If you’re looking for a little tenderness and support, unakite jasper is a lovely companion. It is regarded as one of nature’s most healing mental and emotional gems.
This beautiful stone brings love, compassion, and kindness to the emotional body. Unakite Jasper will be your guide whether you are seeking to heal and strengthen a relationship or to mend your own spirit.
Unakite jasper is a master healer of the heart. It’s a lovely combination of red jasper and epidote that aids in rebirth, brings a sense of renewal, and balances the emotional body.
Unakite jasper gently dissolves any condition that is impeding your spiritual and psychological growth. It clears deep-seated emotions, uplifts the spirit, and is an excellent stone to keep close by when recovering from a major illness.
Working with unakite jasper also strengthens and harmonizes relationships. Unakite has a special connection with the heart and assists in gaining a deeper understanding of one’s emotional body.
Simply meditating with this stone will help to release any “dead weight” feelings you may be carrying around. These emotions serve no useful purpose and take up valuable space in your heart.
Unakite enables one to persevere in the face of adversity, regardless of emotional pain, and to achieve true inner peace.
This soft-touch crystal will keep you comfortable even when dealing with the most painful emotions. It is a potent transformation talisman that will not only strengthen your heart, but will also bridge the gap where new opportunities await!
Approximate weight oz:
Small 1.3 to 3
MOHS Hardness Scale
Chemical Composition
n{Ca2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)} p{K(AlSi3O8)}
Healing Properties
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