Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!

Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!

Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!

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Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!

The top 6 allergy reducing crystals include Lepidolite, Fluorite, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Green Aventurine, and Clear Quartz.  Spring is lovely, but it’s also a particularly bad time for seasonal allergies. Millions of people with hay fever sniffle and sneeze as pollen is released by plants.

In this blog post you will learn about the causes of spring allergies, symptoms, and the top 6 healing crystals to reduce allergies this spring!

Where do these allergens come from and why do we suffer from them?

Pollen is the most common spring allergy trigger. These tiny grains are released into the air by trees, grasses, and weeds to nourish other plants. When they get into the nose of an allergic person, they push the body’s defenses into overdrive.

The immune system misidentifies pollen as a threat and produces antibodies to combat the allergens. Histamines are released into the bloodstream as a result of this. If you have allergies, histamines cause a runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms that you are all too acquainted with.

Pollen has the ability to travel great distances, so it’s not just about the plants in your area.

What are the symptoms of allergens such as hay fever?

Hay fever, commonly known as allergic rhinitis, is characterized by a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sinus pressure. Hay fever, unlike a cold, is not caused by a virus. Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen, dust mites, or microscopic flecks of skin and saliva shed by cats, dogs, and other animals with fur or feathers, which can be found outside or indoors (pet dander).

Aside from making you unhappy, hay fever can damage your work or school performance and generally disrupt your life. You don’t have to put up with the bothersome symptoms, though. You can learn how to avoid triggers and find the best treatment for your condition.

There is no cure, but you may take steps to reduce your allergy symptoms in the spring, from medicine to changing your lifestyle, or more holistically – using crystals! Read on to discuss the Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!

Now let’s talk about the Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!




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Lepidolite provides a variety of positive energies that aid in the relief of allergy symptoms and the strengthening of one’s immune system. By clearing the Throat, Third-Eye, and Crown Chakras, Lithium-containing Lepidolite helps to eradicate negativity. Lepidolite helps to unblock the meridians and release up sluggish energies in these three chakras. Lepidolite, which also works with the Heart Chakra, can help folks who are stressed or depressed feel more at ease.

Physically, Lepidolite can assist all of these chakras in restoring energy flow and locating the root causes of disease so that they can be discharged.  All of these benefits of lepidolite can assist in alleviating spring time allergies. Lepidolite is definitely one of the best stones in the Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!




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Another great stone to assist in alleviating those spring time allergies is fluorite. I apply the fluorite on the forehead at the first sign of a cold or allergy developing and let the energies do their thing. Clients have said that they may feel cleaning or drainage releasing as soon as it’s installed. If you’re attuned to reiki, you can place your hands on your head or ears to amplify the effect even further!

Giving yourself a crystal face massage is another technique to use fluorite for sinus treatment. To “smooth” out and relieve pressure, simply rub the stone over the face. Always remember to cleanse and infuse the gem with your intention at the start of each session, then sit back and watch the energy flow. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to using crystals, just use your intuition.




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Black Tourmaline is a stone of good fortune that can protect you from the bad wishes of others. However, for allergy season it is definitely a must have. Black tourmaline gently neutralizes the air and helps with allergies.  The positive energy of black tourmaline can assist in rebalancing your chakras which will in turn strengthen your immune system and give it that boost to fight off those nasty allergies!  We love black tourmaline as a top contender for the Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!




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Carnelian is a stone of love that promotes self-esteem and self-worth. It is a therapeutic stone that aids in the treatment of lung conditions such as asthma and allergies.  More specifically, carnelian is believed to assist with hay fever.  Allergies such as hay fever are associated with the solar plexus chakra.  Carnelian is a solar plexus chakra stone.  By setting intention and meditating with carnelian on or near the solar plexus, you can assist in alleviating your hay fever allergies.  Definitely in the top for Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!




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Green Aventurine is a mineral that primarily affects the nervous system and has a remarkable ability to alleviate inflammation, particularly in the skin. It is excellent for allergies since it aids in the healing of the lungs and sinus cavities. To help calm the skin, it can be used as an elixir. This is one of Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!




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Because it is a great healing stone, Clear Quartz can aid with allergies and other ailments. Adding this stone to an existing treatment will also aid to improve its therapeutic efficiency.  Not only does clear quartz provide a generalized cleansing, it also amplifies the allergy healing benefits of other crystals.

For example. if used with carnelian, it will assist in amplifying the healing benefits of carnelian to reduce hay fever.

As discussed above, spring is a time when many fever suffer from “allergies” which are caused from allergens.  One of the most common allergic reactions is called hay fever.  This can cause you to feel miserable for days or even weeks and can be caused by a multitude of allergens, especially pollen in the spring time.

During this time, it is best to avoid allergens as much as possible, however, you can also treat the allergies with holistic crystals.  The top 6 holistic crystals we have found to assist in alleviating allergies include lepidolite, fluorite, black tourmaline, carnelian, green aventurine, and clear quartz.

You can use one or a combination of these crystals, set intention that you want the crystals to assist with alleviating your allergies then meditate with them.

Allergies are believed to originate in the solar plexus chakra. As such, it is best to meditate with these crystals at or near the solar plexus chakra.  We recommend selecting several of these crystals to use in combination to amplify the effects of the crystals.

Clear Quartz is definitely recommended to be used in conjunction with the other crystals to holistically assist in reducing allergies as Clear Quartz amplifies the benefits of other crystals. Top 6 Healing Crystals to Reduce Allergies This Spring!


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Want to learn more about allergies?  Check out this website!

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