With this Electromagnetic Protection Terahertz piece, you can protect your aura and subtle bodies.
This man-made stone was made from a material that protects the body from harmful electromagnetic frequencies, smog, and radiation.
This stone, an ore produced by extracting silica from sand or quartz was discovered by Japanese scientists a decade ago to have a terahertz vibration frequency which
lies between that of microwaves and far infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum with its frequency ranging from 0.1 to 30THz.
It has powerful healing properties. It promotes sleep and alleviates stress, anxious energy, and exhaustion.
Terahertz stone also has extremely high thermal conductivity, which improves blood flow and circulation.
This offering is for you if you want to protect and clear out any stagnant or stuck energy.
Terahertz stone stimulates your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a great gem to keep close whenever you need to rest and rejuvenate because it relaxes the body.
Silica extracted from sand or quartz is used to make this stone. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust.
The most important quantum waves for the human body are those that exist between visible light and electromagnetic waves.
These waves can be found at that intersection, which vibrates at 1 trillion vibrations per second.
This is a powerful frequency that resonates deeply in healthy people, babies, dolphins, and animals.
It is also claimed that the Moon emits terahertz waves, particularly during the new and full moon phases. It can be found all over the Universe and is often referred to as Radiation of Life.
Approximate weight oz:
Small 0.5 to 0.5
MOHS Hardness Scale
Chemical Composition
Healing Properties
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