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Pyrite Towers, also known as Fool’s Gold, is an iron sulfide mineral that crystallizes as masses, cubic crystals, stalactites, and botryoidal crystals.

This crystal can be found as a secondary mineral, frequently in association with Quartz, Turquoise, and Lapis Lazuli.

Dioscorades first mentioned this stone in 50 A.D., and it was named after the Greek word “pyro,” which means “fire.”

This name was chosen because of the sparks produced when two pieces were struck together.

Pyrite Towers had numerous applications in ancient civilizations and is still widely used in the manufacture of goods today.

During the Greek and Roman Empires, pyrite was a popular crystal to wear and there may have also been pyrite towers.

Amulets, rings, lockets, pins, and earrings made of this gemstone have been discovered by archeologists.

Native American Indians also used this mineral extensively as a meditation and ceremonial tool.

Pyrite Towers are said to have tremendous healing powers and is even thought to contain pure magic within.

Pyrite Towers are one of the most powerful determination stones known to The Crystal Apothecary Co.

Its energies directly resonate with the solar plexus chakra, which is responsible for activating one’s personal will.

These energies hold the key to achieving our life goals. They are, however, only attainable through hard work and dedication.

Pyrite Towers will assist you in staying on track until your goals are met.

Approximate weight oz:
Large 8.7 to 11.3

Chakra Diagram


Solar Chakra








Brass Metallic Pale Yellow

MOHS Hardness Scale

MOHS Hardness Scale

Chemical Composition


Healing Properties

Pyrite, also known as Fool’s Gold, is an iron sulfide mineral that crystallizes as masses, cubic crystals, stalactites, and botryoidal crystals. This crystal can be found as a secondary mineral, frequently in association with Quartz, Turquoise, and Lapis Lazuli. Dioscorades first mentioned this stone in 50 A.D., and it was named after the Greek word “pyro,” which means “fire.” This name was chosen because of the sparks produced when two pieces were struck together. Pyrite had numerous applications in ancient civilizations and is still widely used in the manufacture of goods today. During the Greek and Roman Empires, pyrite was a popular crystal to wear. Amulets, rings, lockets, pins, and earrings made of this gemstone have been discovered by archeologists. Native American Indians also used this mineral extensively as a meditation and ceremonial tool. Pyrite is said to have tremendous healing powers and is even thought to contain pure magic within. Pyrite is one of the most powerful determination stones known to The Crystal Apothecary Co. Its energies directly resonate with the solar plexus chakra, which is responsible for activating one’s personal will. These energies hold the key to achieving our life goals. They are, however, only attainable through hard work and dedication. Pyrite will assist you in staying on track until your goals are met.

More Info: The information contained on The Crystal Apothecary Co website, newsletter, social media sites and/or other correspondence is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for seeking medical help or information from a licensed professional. This information should not be considered complete and does not cover all or any particular health issues. The information should not be relied upon for health diagnosis or treatment and should not be used in place of a visit with, call to, or consultation with or advice from your physician or other health care professional or provider. Any statements made have not been approved by the FDA.

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