Pink Tourmaline is used for protection and is recommended for anyone who works or lives in unpleasant or difficult environments. It is also associated with the heart chakra.
This stone functions as an “etheric vacuum cleaner,” removing all negativity and cleansing your auric field. The purification provided by pink tourmaline is ideal for anyone suffering from anxiety, excessive anger, or unwanted thoughts.
Tourmaline is thought to promote inspiration and happiness, as well as reduce fear and build self-confidence in those who use it. It’s also used to balance yin and yang energies because it’s thought to be a physical bridge to the spiritual.
Tourmaline is available in a variety of colors, the most common of which is black. The distinction between physical and metaphysical healing properties is frequently blurred.
It will remain so as science uncovers what mystics and ancient healing practices have always known – there is no difference.
Approximate weight oz:
Small 1.7 to 2.4
MOHS Hardness Scale
Chemical Composition
Healing Properties
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