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Calendula Flower Herbs!

Calendula Officinalis is an annual flowering plant native to Eurasia and North Africa.

Its common names include pot marigold, pot herbs, potpourri, pot scented geranium, and garden phlox.

Calendula officinalis, commonly known as calendula flower herbs, is a member of the marigold family.

This herb is used for many purposes including healing wounds, soothing burns, treating eczema, and relieving pain.

Calendula is one of the most popular herbs for skin care because it contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Calendula Flower Herbs are also beneficial for those suffering from dermatitis, psoriasis, sunburn, and even acne.

This perennial herb grows up to one meter tall and produces small yellow flowers that bloom throughout summer.

Check out our blog post on Calendula to find out how it is used in medicine, cosmetics, tea drinking, and witchcraft!

The Crystal Apothecary Co is committed to providing the highest quality products at reasonable prices to our consumers.

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